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In Production


Below you will find our current in process vehicles. This section will be updated each Tuesday so check back often for updated pictures of your vehicle!

GBI #2271


Driver side view of GBI #2271 in remount
Curbside view of GBI #2271 in remount
Front view of GBI #2271 in paint Prep
Rear view of GBI #2271 in paint prep
Rear curbside view of GBI #2271 in paint prep
Front view of GBI #2271 in paint and body prep
Side view of GBI #2271 in paint and body prep

Chicago Fire #2336


Front driver side corner view of Chicago Fire #2336 in paint_prep
Rear Curbside corner view of Chicago Fire #2336 in paint prep
Rear driver side corner view of Chicago Fire #2336 in paint prep
Front driver side corner view of Chicago Fire #2336 in paint prep
Front view of Chicago Fire #2336 in paint prep
Front corner view of Chicago Fire #2336 in paint prep
Front of Chicago Fire #2336 in paint prep
Front driver side corner of Chicago Fire #2336 in paint prep
Rear driver side corner view of Chicago Fire #2336 in paint and body prep
Front view of Chicago Fire #2366 in paint and body prep
Front driver side corner view of Chicago Fire #2336 in paint and body prep
Driver side view of Chicago Fire #2336 in paint and body prep
Curbside view of Chicago Fire Rescue #2336 in paint and body prep
Rear driver side corner view of Chicago Fire #2336 in fabrication
Rear Curbside corner view of Chicago Fire #2336 in fabrication
Front curbside corner view of Chicago Fire #2336 in fabrication
Driver side view of Chicago Fire #2336 in fabrication and welding
Rear curbside corner view of Chicago Fire #2336 in welding and fabrication
Front curbside corner view of Chicago Fire #2336 in welding and fabrication
Front view of Chicago Fire #2366 in welding and fabrication
Driver side view of Chicago Fire #2336 in welding and fabrication
Rear driver side view of Chicago Fire #2336 in welding and fabrication
Rear curbside view of Chicago Fire #2336 in welding and fabrication

Chicago Fire #2337


Front driver side corner of Chicago Fire #2337 in paint and body prep
curbside view of Chicago Fire #2337 in paint and body prep
Front driver side corner view of Chicago Fire #2337 in paint and body prep
Front curbside corner view of Chicago Fire #2337 in paint and body prep
Rear driver side corner view of Chicago Fire #2337 in welding_and_fabrication
Front view of Chicago Fire #2337 in welding_and_fabrication
Front curbside corner view of Chicago Fire #2337 in fabrication
Front driver side corner view of Chicago Fire #2337 in welding and fabrication
Rear driver side corner view of Chicago Fire #2337 in welding and fabrication
Rear curbside corner of Chicago Fire #2337 in welding and fabrication
Front Curbside corner view of Chicago Fire #2337 in fabrication and welding
Front Driver side view of Chicago Fire #2337 in welding and fabrication
Front view of Chicago Fire #2337 in fabrication
Rear driver side corner view of Chicago #2337 in welding and fabrication
Rear curbside corner view of Chicago Fire #2337 in welding and fabrication
Front view of Chicago Fire #2337 in fabrication and welding
Driver side view of Chicago Fire #2337 in fabrication and welding
Rear view of Chicago Fire #2337 in welding and fabrication
Curbside view of Chicago Fire #2337 in welding and fabrication
Driver side view of Chicago Fire #2337 in welding and fabricaiton
Rear driver side view of Chicago Fire #2337 in welding and fabrication
Front Curbside corner view of Chicago Fire #2337 in welding and fabrication
Front view of Chicago Fire #2337 in welding and fabrication

Talbot #2359

Type I Ambulance

Front driver side view of Talbot #2359 painted
Front curbside corner view of Talbot #2359 painted
Curbside view of Talbot #2359 painted
Rear curbside corner view of Talbot #2359 painted
Rear view of Talbot #2359 painted
Front view of Talbot #2359 in paint prep
curbside view of Talbot #2359 in paint
Rear view of Talbot #2359 in paint prep
Curbside view of Talbot #2359 in paint prep
Rear driver side corner view of Talbot #2359 in paint prep
Front view of Talbot #2359 in body and paint prep
Rear view of Talbot #2359 in paint and body prep
Front view of Talbot #2359 in paint and body prep
Curbside front corner view of Talbot #2359 in paint and body prep
Driver side view of Talbot #2359 in fabrication
Front view of Talbot #2359 in fabrication
Front view of Talbot #2359 in fabrication and welding
Driver side view of Talbot #2359 in fabrication and welding
Front curbside corner view of Talbot #2359 in welding and fabrication
Rear view of Talbot #2359 in welding and fabrication
Front view of Talbot #2359 in welding and fabrication
Driver side view of Talbot #2359 in welding and fabrication
Curbside view of Talbot #2359 in welding and fabrication
Rear curbside view of Talbot #2359 in welding and fabrication

Stephens #2418

Type I Ambulance

Rear driver view of Stephens #2418 in box prep
Front curbside corner view of Stephens #2418 in box prep
Curbside view of Stephens #2418 in box prep
Front driver view of Stephens #2418 in box prep
Rear view of Stephens #2418 in box prep
Curbside view of Stephens #2418 in mounting
Front view of Stephens #2418 in mounting
Rear view of Stephens #2418 in mounting
Rear curbside corner view of Stephens #2418 in paint prep
Rear view of Stephens #2418 in paint preparation
Rear driver side corner view of Stephens #2418 in paint prep
Front curbside corner view of Stephens #2418 in paint prep
Front view of Stephens #2418 in paint preparation
Rear curbside corner view of Stephens #2418 in paint prep
Front view of Stephens #2418 in paint prep
Rear view of Stephens #2418 in paint prep
Front curbside view of Stephens #2418 in paint and body prep
Front driver side view of Stephens #2418 in paint and body prep
Curbside view of Stephens #2418 in paint and body prep
Front view of Stephens #2418 in welding and fabrication
Front view of Stephens #2418 in fabrication and welding
Front driver side view of Stephens #2418 in welding and fabrication
Rear driver side view of Stephens #2418 in welding and fabrication
Rear view of Stephens #2418 in welding and fabrication
Rear curbside corner view of Stephens #2418 in welding and fabrication

Stephens #2419

Type I Ambulance

Front driver side corner view of Stephens #2419 in box prep
Front curbside view of Stephens #2419 in box prep
Rear curbside view of Stephens #2419 painted
Rear curbside view of Stephens #2419 in box prep
Rear view of Stephens #2419 painted
Front view of Stephens #2419 painted white
Rear view of Stephens #2419 painted white
Driver side view of Stephens #2419 painted
Front view of Stephens #2419 in paint_prep
Rear curbside view of Stephens #2419 in paint_prep
Rear view of Stephens #2419 in Paint_prep
Front curbside corner view of Stephens #2419 in paint prep
Rear driver side view of Stephens #2419 in paint prep
Front view of Stephens #2419 in paint prep
Rear view of Stephens #2419 in paint prep
Driver side view of Stephens #2419 in paint prep
Rear curbside view of Stephens #2419 in paint prep
Front view of Stephens #2419 in body and paint prep
Rear view of Stephens #2419 in body and paint prep
Curbside view of Stephens #2419 in paint and body prep
Front view of Stephens #2419 in paint and body prep
Driver side view of Stephens #2419 in Paint and Body Prep
Driver side view of Stephens #2419 in paint and body prep
Front view of Stephens #2419 in fabrication and welding
Front driver side view of Stephens #2419 in welding and fabrication
Front view of Stephens #2419 in paint and body prep
Front curbside view of Stephens #2419 in welding and fabrication
Driver side view of Stephens #2419 in welding and fabrication
Curbside view of Stephens #2419 in welding and fabrication
Front Driver side corner view of Stephens #2419 in welding and fabrication
Front view of Stephens #2419 in welding and fabrication

Dooly #2449

Type I Ambulance

Front view of Dooly #2449 in welding and fabricaiton
Front Curbside view of Dooly #2449 in welding and fabrication
Rear curbside corner view of Dooly #2449 in welding and fabrication
Rear view of Dooly #2449 in welding and fabrication
Rear driver side corner view of Dooly #2449 in welding and fabrication
Rear curbside corner view of Dooly #2449 in beginning stages of welding and fabrication
Driver side view of Dooly #2449 in beginning stages of welding and fabrication
Rear driver side corner of Dooly #2449 in beginning stages of welding and fabrication
Front driver side corner of Dooly #2449 in beginning stages of welding and fabrication

Atlanta PD/ Spartan # 2461

Specialty Unit 22'​

Front curbside corner view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in electrical
Front driver side corner view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in electrical
Driver side cab of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in electrical
Front Driver side of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in electrical
Rear driver side view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in electrical
Rear driver side corner view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in electrical
Rear view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in electrical
Rear Curbside corner of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in electrical
Rear curbside corner view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in box prep
Front curbside corner view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in box prep
Driver side door of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in box prep
Front driver side view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in box prep
Rear driver side slide out of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in box prep
Rear Driver side corner of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in box prep
Front driver side view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in box prep
Driver side door of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in box prep
Rear driver side slide out of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in box prep
Rear Driver side corner of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in box prep
Rear curbside corner view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in box prep
Front curbside corner view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in box prep
Front view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in mounting
Curbside rear corner view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in mounting
Driver side rear corner of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in mounting
Rear driver side corner of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in mounting
Rear view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in mounting
Front view of Cab for Atlanta Spartan #2461
Front curbside corner view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in paint prep
Front view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in paint preparation
Front driver side corner view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in paint prep
Rear curbside corner view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in paint preparation
Front view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in paint prep
Driver side view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in paint prep
Curbside view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in paint preparation
curbside view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in paint prep
Rear curbside corner view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in paint prep
Rear driver side view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in paint prep
Front curbside view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in paint and body prep
Slide out side view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in paint and body prep
Front view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in fabricaiton and welding
Front curbside view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in fabrication and welding
Front driver side corner view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in fabrication and welding
Front interior view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in fabrication
Interior rear view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in welding and fabrication
Rear curbside corner view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in fabrication and welding
Front driver side view of interior of #2461 in welding and fabrication
Front interior view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in fabrication and welding
Rear interior wall structure for Atlatna Spartan #2461 in welding and fabrication
Component fabrication for Atlanta Spartan #2461
Atlanta Spartan #2461 front driver side view in welding and fabrication
Front Curbside view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in welding and fabrication
Interior wall structure for Atlanta Spartan #2461 in welding and fabrication
Component welding and fabrication view from the front of Atlanta Spartan #2461
Rear interior structural view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in welding and fabrication
Rear curbside corner view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in welding and fabrication
Front interior structural view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in welding and fabrication
Rear driver side view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in fabricaiton and welding
Front view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in welding and fabricaiton
Front driver side corner view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in welding and fabrication
Front interior view of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in welding and fabrication
Wall for Atlanta Spartan #2461 in fabrication
Wall of Atlanta Spartan #2461 in fabrication
Atlanta Spartan  #2495 walls in fabrication

Caguas Paladius #2464

10' Rescue

Curbside view of Caguas Paladius #2464 in welding and fabrication
Rear curbside corner view of Caguas Paladius #2464 in welding and fabrication
front curbside corner view of Caguas Paladius #2464 in welding and fabrication
Front view of Caguas_Paladius #2464 in welding and fabrication
Front driver side view of Caguas_Paladius #2464 in welding and fabrication
Rear view of Caguas_Paladius #2464 in welding and fabrication
Rear curbside corner view of Caguas_Paladius #2464 in welding and fabrication

Putnam #2466

Type I Ambulance

Front view of Putnam #2466 in Body and paint prep
Front curbside corner view of Putnam #2466 in paint_and_body prep
Curbside view of Putnam #2466 in paint_and_body prep
Rear view of Putnam #2466 in paint and body prep
Curbside view of Putnam #2466 in paint and body prep
Front view of Putnam #2466 in paint_and_body prep
Rear driver side corner view of Putnam #2466 in paint prep
Driver side view of Putnam #2466 in paint prep
Front driver side corner view of Putnam #2466 in paint prep
Front curbside corner of Putnam #2466 in paint prep
Rear Curbside corner view of Putnam #2466 in paint preparation
Front of Putnam #2466 in paint prep
Front curbside corner view of Putnam #2466
Front Driver Side corner view of Putnam #2466
Rear view of Putnam #2466 in paint prep
Rear curbside corner view of Putnam #2466 in paint prep
Rear Driver side view of Putnam #2466
Front view of Putnam #2466 in paint and body prep
Front curbside corner view of Putnam #2466 in paint and body prep
Curbside view of Putnam #2466 in welding and fabrication
Rear curbside view of Putnam #2466 in welding and fabrication
Front view of Putnam #2466 in welding and fabrication
Rear driver side view of Putnam #2466 in welding and fabricaiton

Putnam #2467

Type I Ambulance

Front driver side of Putnam #2467 in paint and body prep
Front view of Putnam #2467 in paint_and_body prep
Front curbside corner of Putnam #2467 in paint and body prep
Front driver side corner view of Putnam #2467 in paint and body prep
Front view of Putnam #2467 in paint and body prep
Front curbside view of Putnam #2467 in paint and body prep
Driver side view of Putnam #2467 in paint and body prep
Rear driver side corner view of Putnam #2467 in welding and fabrication
Front driver side corner view of Putnam #2467 in welding and fabrication
Front view of Putnam #2467 in welding and fabrication
Rear driver side corner view of Putnam #2467 in beginning welding and fabricaiton
Driver side view of Putnam #2467 in beginning welding and fabrication

Gilmer #2482

Type I Ambulance

Front driver side corner view of Gilmer #2482 in paint prep
Front view of Gilmer #2482 in paint prep
Rear view of Gilmer #2482 in paint_prep
Rear curbside corner view of Gilmer #2482 in paint prep
Rear view of Gilmer #2482 in paint prep
Front driver side corner view of Gilmer #2482 in paint and body prep
Curbside corner view of Gilmer #2482 in paint and body prep
Front driver side corner view of Gilmer #2482 in paint and body prep
Rear view of Gilmer #2482 in fabrication
Front driver side view of Gilmer #2482 in welding and fabrication
Front view of Gilmer #2482 in fabrication and welding
Curbside front corner view of Gilmer #2482
Interior structural view of Gilmer #2482
Front view of Gilmer #2482 in welding and fabrication
Front corner curbside view of Gilmer #2482 in welding and fabrication
Rear view of Gilmer #2482 in fabrication and welding
Rear driver side corner view of Gilmer #2482 in welding and fabrication
Rear view of Gilmer #2482 in welding and fabrication

Gilmer #2483

Type I Ambulance

Driver side view of Gilmer #2483 in paint prep
Front curbside corner view of Gilmer #2483 in paint prep
Rear view of Gilmer #2483 in paint prep
Rear driver side view of Gilmer #2483 in paint prep
Curbside view of Gilmer #2483 in paint and body prep
Front view of Gilmer #2483 in paint and body prep
Front view of Gilmer #2483 in fabrication
Rear view of Gilmer #2483 in fabrication and welding
Driver side view of Gilmer #2483 in welding and fabrication
Curbside view of Gilmer #2483 in welding and fabricaiton
Front curbside corner view of Gilmer #2483 in welding and fabrication
Front view of Gilmer #2483 in welding and fabrication
Rear view of Gilmer #2483 in welding and fabrication
Rear curbside corner view of Gilmer #2483 in welding and fabrication
Front view of Gilmer #2483 in fabrication and welding

Bryan Co. #2497


Compartment view of Bryan Co. Tanker #2497 in welding and fabrication
compartment rear view of Bryan Co. Tanker 2497
Rear view of Bryan Co. Tanker #2497 in welding and fabrication
Front corner view of Bryan Co. Tanker #2497 in welding and fabrication
Front view of Bryan Co. Tanker #2497 in fabrication and welding
Fitting test for Bryan Co. Tanker #2497
Rear view of Bryan Co. Tanker #2497 in fitting test
Curbside view of Bryan Co. Tanker #2497 in welding and fabrication
Front view of Bryan Co. Tanker #2497 in welding and fabrication
Side view of Bryan Co. Tanker #2497 in welding and fabrication

Bryan Co. #2498


Rear curbside view of Bryan Co #2498 in welding and fabrication
Front view of Bryan Co #2498 in welding and fabrication
Front driver side view of Bryan Co #2498 in welding and fabrication
Front driver side view of Bryan Co. #2498 in welding and fabrication
Front view of Bryan co. #2498 in welding and fabricaiton
Rear curbside view of Bryan Co. #2498 in welding and fabricaiton

Atlantic/ Door Forward  # 2519

Type I Ambulance

Front curbside corner view of Atl_Cranesville #2519 in electrical
Rear curbside view of Atl_Cranesville #2519 in electrical
Front curbside corner view of Atl_Cranesville #2519 in box prep
Front driver side corner view of Atl_Cranesville #2519 in box prep
Rear corner curbside view of Atl_Cranesville #2519 in box prep
Rear driver side corner view of Atl_Cranesville #2519 in box prep
Rear driver side view of Atl_Cranesville #2519 in box prep
Rear Driverside corner view of Atl_Cranesville #2519 in box prep
Rear view of Atl_Cranesville #2519 in box prep
Curbside view of Atl_Cranesville #2519 in box prep
Rear view of Atl_Cranesville #2519 in mount
Front view of Atl_Cranesville #2519 painted
Front curbside corner view of Atl_Cranesville #2519 painted
Front driver side view of Atl_Cranesville #2519 in body and paint prep
Front curbside view of Atl_Cranesville #2519 in paint and body prep
Front view of Atl_Cranesville #2519 in paint and body prep
Front driver side view of Atl_Cranesville #2519 in paint and body prep
Rear driver side corner of Atl_Cranesville #2519 in fabrication and welding
Curbside view of Atl_Cranesville #2519 in welding and fabrication
Rear curbside corner of Cranesville #2519 in welding and fabrication
Front driver side view of Atl Cranesville #2519 in welding and fabrication
Front view of Atl_Cranesville #2519 in fabrication and welding
Front view of Atl_Cranesville #2519 in welding and fabrication
Curbside front corner view of Atl_Cranesville #2519 in welding and fabrication
Rear view of Atl_Cranesville #2519 in welding and fabrication
Rear driver side corner of Atl_Cranesville #2519 in welding and fabrication
Rear curbside corner view of Atl_Cranesville #2519

Atlantic Stock #2520

Type I Ambulance

Front curbside corner view of Atl_Stock #2520 in mount
Front view of Atl_Stock #2520 in mount
Rear view of Atl_Stock #2520 in mount
Rear view of Atl_Stock #2520 in mounting
Rear view of Atlantic Stock #2520 in paint prep
Front view of Atlantic Stock #2520 in paint prep
driver side view of Atlantic Stock #2520 in paint prep
Rear curbside corner view of Atl_Stock #2520 in paint_prep
Rear view of Atl_Stock #2520 in paint prep
Curbside view of Atl_Stock #2520 in paint
Front view of Atl_Stock #2520 in paint
Driver side of Atl_stock #2520 in paint
Front driver side corner view of Atl_Stock #2520 in paint
Rear curbside corner view of Atl_Stock #2520 in paint
Rear view of Atl_Stock #2520 in paint
Front driver side view of Atl_Stock #2520 in paint prep
Rear Curbside corner view of Atl_Stock #2520 in paint prep
Front view of Atl_Stock #2520 in paint and body prep
Driver side of Atl_Stock #2520 in fabrication and welding
interior structural view of Atl_Stock #2520 in welding and fabricaiton
Front view of Atl_Stock #2520 in welding and fabrication
Rear driver side view of Atl_Stock #2520 in fabrication and welding
Driver side of Atl_Stock #2520 in welding and fabrication
Rear driver side view of Atl_Stock #2520 in welding and fabrication
Front driver side view of Atl_Stock #2520 in fabrication and welding
Atl_Stock #2520 front view in welding and fabrication
Front Curbside view of Atl_Stock #2520 in welding and fabrication
Front driver side view of Atl_Stock #2520 in welding and fabrication

Candler #2529

Type I Ambulance

Front curbside corner view of Candler #2529 in paint and body prep
Driver side view of Candler #2529 in paint and body prep
Front driver side corner view of Candler #2529 in Paint_and_body prep
Front curbside corner view of Candler #2529 in paint and body prep
Front curbside corner view of Candler #2529 in paint and body prep
Front driver side corner view of Candler #2529 in paint and body prep
Rear curbside corner view of Candler #2529 in fabrication and welding
Rear  driver side corner view of Candler #2529 in fabrication and welding
Front Driver side corner view of Candler #2529 in fabrication and welding
Driver side view of Candler #2529 in welding and fabrication
Rear driver side corner view of Candler #2529 in welding and fabrication
Rear curbside corner view of Candler #2529 in welding and fabrication
Front view of Candler #2529 in welding and fabrication
Front curbside corner view of Candler #2529 in fabricaiton and welding
Front driver side corner view of Candler #2529 in welding and fabrication
Rear view of Candler #2529 in welding and fabrication
Front curbside corner view of Candler #2529 in welding and fabricaiton
Curbside view of Candler #2529 in welding and fabrication
Rear driver side view of Candler #2529 in welding and fabrication

EVO/Mercy Ada #2548

Type I Ambulance

Front curbside corner view of EVO_Mercy #2548 in welding and fabrication
Front view of EVO_Mercy #2548 in fabrication and welding
Front view of EVO_Mercy #2548 in welding and fabrication
Rear curbside corner view of EVO_Mercy #2548 in welding and fabrication
Rear driver side corner view of EVO_Mercy #2548 in welding and fabrication

Lincoln  #2556

Type I Ambulance

Curbside view of Lincoln #2556 in beginning welding and fabricaiton
Driver side view of Lincoln #2556 in beginning welding and fabricaiton

ATL_Stock #2558

Type I Ambulance

Front curbside view of Atlantic Stock #2558 in paint prep
Rear curbside view of Atlantic Stock #2558 in paint prep
Front driver side corner view of Atlantic Stock #2558 in paint and body prep
Front curbside corner view of Atlantic Stock #2558 in paint and body prep
Front view of Atlantic #2558 in paint and body prep
Rear view of Atlantic Stock #2558 in paint and body prep
Front view of Atl_Stock #2558 in paint_and_body prep
Rear driver side corner of Atl_Stock #2558 in paint and body prep
Rear view of Atl_Stock #2558 in paint and body prep
Front view of Atl_Stock #2558 in body and paint prep
Front driver side corner view of Atl_Stock #2558 in paint and body prep
Front curbside corner view of Atl_Stock #2558 in body and paint prep
Front curbside corner view of Atl_Stock #2558 in paint and body prep
Front view of Atl_Stock #2558 in paint and body prep
Front curbside corner view of Atl_Stock #2558 in welding and fabrication
Front view of Atl_Stock #2558 in fabrication and welding
Front view of Atl_Stock #2558 in welding and fabrication
Rear driver side corner of Atl_Stock #2558
Driver side view of Atl_Stock #2558 in welding and fabrication
Front driver side corner view of Atl_Stock #2558 in welding and fabricaiton

ATL_Stock #2559

Type I Ambulance

Curbside view of Atl_Stock #2559 in paint and body prep
Front view of Atl_Stock #2559 in paint and body prep
Front curbside corner view of Atlantic Stock #2559 in paint and body prep
Front view of Atlantic Stock #2559 in paint and body prep
Rear curbside corner view of Atlantic Stock #2559 in paint and body prep
Front driver side corner view of Atl_Stock #2559 in paint and body prep
Front curbside corner view of Atl_Stock #2559 in paint and body prep
Front curbside corner view of Atl_stock #2559 in paint prep
Front driver side corner view of Atl_Stock #2559 in paint prep
Front curbside corner view of Atl_Stock #2559
Front view of Atl_Stock #2559
Front driver side corner view of Atl_Stock #2559
Driver side view of Atl_Stock #2559
Rear view of Atl_Stock #2559
Rear curbside corner view of Atl_Stock #2559
Front view of Atl_Stock #2559 in fabrication and welding
Front driver side corner view of Atl_Stock #2559 in welding and fabrication
Driver side view of Atl_Stock #2559 in welding and fabrication
Rear view of Atl_Stock #2559 in fabrication and welding
Curbside rear corner view of Atl_Stock #2559 in welding and fabrication
Rear driver side view of Atl_Stock #2559 in welding and fabrication
Rear view of Atl_Stock #2559 in welding and fabricaiton
Curbside view of Atl_Stock #2559 in welding and fabrication
Front view of Atl_Stock #2559 in welding and fabricaiton

Atlantic/Cherokee #2560

Type I Ambulance

Front driver side corner view of Atlantic Cherokee #2560 in welding and fabrication
Front driver side corner of Atlantic Cherokee #2560 in welding and fabricaiton
Front curbside corner view of Atlantic Cherokee #2560 in welding and fabrication
Front view of Atlantic_Cherokee #2560 in welding_and_fabricaiton
Front driver side corner view of Atlantic_Cherokee #2560 in welding and fabrication
Rear curbside corner view of Atlantic Cherokee #2560 in welding and fabrication
Driver side view of Atlantic Cherokee #2560 in fabrication and welding
Curbside view of Atlantic Cherokee #2560 in fabrication and welding
Rear view of Atlantic Cherokee #2560 in welding and fabrication
Front view of Atlantic_Cherokee #2560 in welding and fabrication
Front driver side view of Atlantic Cherokee #2560 in welding and fabrication
Driver side view of Atlantic Cherokee #2560 in welding and fabrication
Rear view of Atlantic Cherokee in welding and fabrication
Curbside view of Atlantic Cherokee #2560 in welding and fabrication
Rear driver side view of Atlantic_Cherokee #2560 in welding and fabrication
Curbside rear corner view of Atlantic_Cherokee #2560 in welding and fabrication
Rear view of Atlantic_Cherokee #2560 in fabrication and welding
Front curbside corner view of Atlantic_Cherokee #2560 in welding and fabricaiton
Front driver side view of Atlantic_Cherokee #2560 in welding and fabrication
Rear view of Atlantic_Cherokee #2560 in welding and fabricaiton

Atlantic #2561

Type I Ambulance

Front curbside corner view of Atlantic #2561 in paint and body prep
Front driver side corner of Atlantic #2561 in paint and body prep
Front curbside corner view of Atlantic #2561 in welding and fabrication
Front view of Atlantic #2561 in welding_and_fabrication
Front curbside corner of Atlantic #2561 in welding and fabrication
Front view of Atlantic #2561 in fabrication and welding
Front view of Atlantic #2561 in welding and fabrication
Rear driver side view of Atlantic #2561 in welding and fabrication
Rear Curbside view of Atlantic #2561 in welding and fabrication

Hamilton #2581

Type I Ambulance

Driver side view of Hamilton #2581 in welding_and_fabrication
Rear curbside corner view of Hamilton #2581 in fabricaiton and welding
Front driver side corner view of Hamilton #2581 in welding and fabricaiton
Driver side view of Hamilton #2581 in fabrication and welding
Rear curbside corner view of Hamilton #2581 in welding and fabrication
Curbside rear corner view of Hamilton #2581 in welding and fabrication
Rear view of Hamilton #2581 in welding and fabrication
Driver side view of Hamilton #2581 in welding and fabricaiton
Front driver side view of Hamilton #2581 in welding and fabrication
Front view of Hamilton #2581 in beginning welding and fabrication
Curbside view of Hamilton #2581 in beginning welding and fabrication
Rear curbside corner view of Hamilton #2581 in beginning welding and fabrication

Hamilton #2582

Type I Ambulance

Front view of Hamilton #2582 in welding and fabricaiton
Curbside view of Hamilton #2582 in fabrication and welding
Front curbside corner of Hamilton #2582 in welding and fabrication
Front curbside view of Hamilton #2582 in welding and fabrication
Curbside view of Hamilton #2582 in welding and fabrication
rear curbside corner view of Hamilton #2582 in fabrication and welding
Front view of Hamilton #2582 in fabrication and welding
Front curbside corner view of Hamilton #2582 in fabrication and welding
Front view of Hamilton #2582 in welding and fabrication
Driver side view of Hamilton #2582 in welding and fabrication
Rear driver side corner view of Hamilton #2582 in welding and fabrication
Rear curbside corner view of Hamilton #2582 in welding and fabrication

Stephens #2587

Type I Ambulance

Front driver side view of Stephens #2587 in paint and body prep
Front corner view of Stephens #2587 in paint and body prep
Front view of Stephens #2587 in welding_and_fabrication
Curbside corner view of Stephens #2587 in welding and fabricaiton
Rear view of Stephens #2587 in fabrication and welding
Front view of Stephens #2587 in fabrication
Front driver side view of Stephens #2587 in fabrication and welding
Rear curbside corner view of Stephens #2587 in welding and fabrication
Rear view of Stephens #2587 in welding and fabrication
Front driver side view of Stephens #2587 in welding and fabricaiton
Front view of Stephens #2587 in fabrication and welding
Rear corner view of Stephens #2587 in welding and fabrication
Front curbside corner view of Stephens #2587 in fabrication and welding
Front curbside corner view of Stephens #2587 in welding and fabrication
Front view of Stephens #2587 in welding and fabrication
Driver side view of Stephens #2587 in welding and fabrication
Rear driver corner view of Stephens #2587 in welding and fabrication
Rear Curbside view of Stephens #2587 in welding and fabrication

Atlantic  #2598

Type I Ambulance

Front curbside corner view of Atlantic #2598 in welding and fabrication
Rear curbside corner view of Atlantic #2598 in welding and fabrication
Front view of Atlantic #2598 in welding and fabrication


Custom truck and body works, inc.

13787 White House Rd. Woodbury, GA 30293


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2021 Custom Truck and Body Works, Inc.

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